My name is John Fraser and I started with KPDSB at the end of June as the Manager of Facility Services. The Facilities Department aims to build and operate safe and accessible facilities through the use of innovative, cost-effective, energy efficient and environmentally sound practices. Our work in 2023 saw the implementation of many new initiatives. 2023 also brought the beginning of the restructuring of the Facilities Department through the implementation of the Manager of Facility Services, ensuring we have the ability to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible to best serve the needs of the system. We are currently in the middle of upgrading an integrated safe schools platform. This consists of card access, public address system, CCTV and rekeying to a standardized format across all KPDSB facilities. The card access replacement involves a new software package simplifying the administration of access cards, a survey of access points and installation of readers to comply with the safe schools mandate. Each facility safe school systems are internally linked to provide one touch activation to reduce complexity and enable a quick response. This project in its entirety directly supports safe school emergency response procedures in our schools. Our department has also been working to develop new and exciting outdoor classroom and learning environments across the system. An example of this work is a new network of activity trails now in place at five elementary school sites with components of this project eventually being implemented at all KPDSB schools. The learning nodes situated along the activity trails allow full program delivery in the outdoor environment. Programming for the arts, environmental, math, science, and of course physical education, as well as other curriculum expectations, can be learned by accessing the trails, allowing students and staff to take their learning outdoors year-round.