My name is Pamala Agawa. I’m the Human Rights and Equity Advisor with the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board. This year as a brand-new role to our school board, I’m working hard to visit each and every school and start to build relationships with staff, students and where possible, families and community partners. I think it’s really critical that we have student voice at the forefront of our work. And so, I’ve started to build a student Advisory Group and currently have seven secondary students who are members of this group. The purpose of this group is twofold. Number one to ensure that I’m always focused on being in service of students in this Board while building relationships with them so that I can do this in a really good way, and also giving students the space to be critical thinkers and provide me with feedback in real-time so that I can build trust by acting on the feedback that they give me. Right now, the Student Advisory Group has just finished reviewing our census and school climate survey data questions for the grades 4-6 and 7-12 surveys. I look forward to taking their feedback back to the group and really making some shifts with some of the questions so they better get at what we’re looking for in terms of our school climate surveys. As a board, we have also started professional learning on human rights and equity, focusing on how to better serve our own students through these learning opportunities. We will continue to be responsive to school and staff and student needs throughout our professional learning this school year. One of the other jobs that I have been tasked with is to build an Equity Action Plan for our school board. The research process of this has begun, and my goal is to have this ready for launch for the 2024-25 school year. As you can imagine, there are many layers to this, and so we want to make sure that we get it right the first time we author it. Throughout the school year, I will continue to be responsive to the board’s learning needs and continue to move to a space of proactive learning to ensure schools are continuing to be focused on our learners and their learning needs. We want to make sure that we are approaching this with a human rights and Equity lens at all times. For that purpose, I will continue to act as an advisor to all staff and students. I’m looking forward to the continued opportunities that this role will provide for this school year, and I look forward to meeting each and every one of you within the Board. Miigwetch.